Commitment to good educational opportunities worldwide

Pupil Action Days for the support of Waldorf initiatives

The WOW Day - Waldorf One World, a project of Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V. ("Friends of Rudolf Steiner Education Association"), is now a world-wide campaign of the Waldorf schools. On this day, Waldorf pupils from around the world become involved with fundraising activities to support Waldorf initiatives. Here, the pupils' creativity knows no bounds. 

The WOW Day has been held annually since 2009. Globally, more than two hundred schools from 35 countries now take part. With various activities such as theatre and music performances, the sale of home-made items or sponsored runs for a good cause, Waldorf pupils collect donations to support Waldorf initiatives. Every Waldorf school plans and organises its own activities for the WOW Day. Together they have raised over three million euros in this way since 1994.

The aim of the project on the one hand is to raise funds for the development of Waldorf education and thereby provide disadvantaged children with access to holistic education. On the other hand the campaigns arouse in the children and young people an awareness of the social relationships in the world. From a pedagogically sound impulse, children are therefore supposed to develop a commitment to disadvantaged children.


Who else is involved in the project?

The pupils' WOW Day campaign is coordinated by the Friends of Steiner Waldorf Education in cooperation with the European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE) and the Federation of Free Waldorf Schools.

What does the association Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners e.V. do?

The association is one of the largest non-governmental support organisations in Germany and supports institutions that offer Waldorf education worldwide in financial and legal matters. Through the International Aid Fund they can provide rapid and urgent help and support Waldorf schools, Waldorf kindergartens and curative education and social therapy facilities with their projects. The training of school and kindergarten teachers is funded with scholarships worldwide. Furthermore, educational sponsorships allow children from disadvantaged families to attend a Waldorf school. In the field of voluntary services they place young people with anthroposophic institutions at home and abroad. In cooperation with foundations and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) they have also participated in the financing of school buildings.

What are the funds of the MAHLE FOUNDATION specifically used for?

A large campaign such as the WOW Day requires a commitment to public relations and communication materials, lecture tours and administrative expenses. All of this is financed in part by grants from the MAHLE FOUNDATION. 100 per cent of the funds raised from the WOW Day go into Waldorf projects which require help and support.